Early February Update

I got some spicy seed for the deck feeder as a squirrel deterrent. We have been using it for the past several days and I am happy to report that it mostly works. I regret I didn’t video the squirrels reactions when they first encountered it!! Most of the squirrels avoid it so we are able to feed the birds on the deck. However, Andrew says there must be a Cajun squirrel or two as they seem hungry enough to tolerate the hot sauce but most avoid it so they haven’t monopolized the feeders and we are mostly feeding birds.

‘Hot’ Bird Seed

‘Cajun’ Squirrels

For the most part I am very happy with this seed as we are feeding the small birds on the porch again. I have also ordered F5 hot sauce to treat our regular bird seed. Maybe I will video the squirrels reaction. So here is the evidence of being able to feed the birds on the porch.




Female Cardinal

Male Cardinal

Gold Finches

Sparrow and finches

We are still filling our other feeders but we have stopped putting scratch food on the ground. We plan to put a bungee feeder with corn for the squirrels in the near future. There has been a lot of bird activity in the yard.

Red Bellied Woodpeckers



English Starlings

Even though there is no open water, we still occasionally see an eagle.


We have been seeing a pair of red tailed hawks and a behavior that looked like gathering nesting material on the beach.

Red Tailed Hawks

In the mean time, the weather has been crazy with rain, snow, thaw cycles. We also had a super moon tide followed by a freeze. I think this is the highest we have seen a tide here.

High Tide

Icy Fields

Because it is so difficult to live where nuttin evah happens, we spend some time cooking. For your viewing enjoyment.


On the whole, I would give the hot bird seed two thumbs up.

The birds are starting to behave like spring is coming!

Mark and Wink


Published by mmoeller33


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