PI Day Celebration

PI Day is an important Geeky Holiday celebrated on 3.14. It is a time to gather friends and share everything PI. So we hosted a mini BYOB and everyone brought some PI to share. We also had PI trivia, PI songs and PI word games which were appropriate for the holiday. A PI good time was had by all.

We had main course meat PIs including pork PI,  meat PI, two Sheppard’s PI, quiche PIs  and a pizza PI. The main courses were served in the dining room.

Dining Room PIs

meat PIs

The dessert PIs were served in the breakfast nook and the kitchen housed the BOOs.

Dessert PIs

Dessert PIs

Just prior to PI Day we had another Nor’Easter. We got about a foot of snow but fortunately it was light and fluffy and we didn’t lose power. We are expecting another Nor’Easter mid week next week. The animals appreciate it almost as much as we do.


Crows looking for food

Sharp Shinned Hawk looking for a meal

The squirrels were after the deck feeders big time because of the snow and it was hard to deter them. So we added a squirrel baffle that only took them one afternoon to defeat. The birds took some time to adjust as well.

Squirrel Baffle

Blue jay, Cardinal and Grackle

Squirrel defeating baffle

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We have gotten some more natural help with our squirrel problem.  One of the foxes caught another squirrel. We watched the chase but all I got on camera was the fox killing the squirrel after the capture. Due to their success they will likely be back for more.

Fox killing squirrel

Fox Killing Squirrel Video Here

So we continue to live our sedate, bucolic lifestyle in NewmaHket were nuttin continues to happen.

Mark and Wink



Published by mmoeller33


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