Early February Updated

The ground hogs said there would be six more weeks of winter and the weather is suggesting they are right. We got six inches of snow today followed by freezing rain. It is difficult to deal with. Just snow would be fine but dealing with the ice left behind by freezing rain is a pain. So we lost our snow cover and got it back in short order. Yuck!

We got the squirrel feeder hung and now have a separate squirrel feeding station. Here is proof. The squirrels are still in the training phase and the corn is not too high off the ground. It took a couple of days to make this progress. Tomorrow we move the corn up a notch.

Squirrel Feeder

Video Here

Now that we have reduced the squirrel activity at our bird feeders, we are starting to see a lot more bird activity. Not putting down scratch and introducing ‘hot’ seed seems to be working for us.

Titmouse and Junko

Birds on Tupelo in Snow

Robins Migrating


Female Cardinal


Male Cardinals


The red tailed hawks seem to be paired up. There was some drama the other day as a third hawk tried to interpose himself. There was a lot of screeching to be heard during our walk. We don’t know how the drama played out.

Red Tailed Hawks

As usual, ‘nuttin continues to happen in NewMahket.’

Mark and Wink

Published by mmoeller33


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