NEHIN (Nuttin Evah Happens in NewMahket)

It is late spring transitioning to early summer. We have had a fair amount of rain and have greened up nicely. The bird channel has been active and we have enjoyed our bird watching. It has been fairly wet and we have had a bumper crop of mushrooms in the yard. We have seen juvenile …


Meg hung out one afternoon and took some pictures of birds. Mourning Dove Goldfinch Bluebirds House Finch Chickadee Baltimore and Orchard Orioles Hummingbird Brown Headed Cowbird (female) Catbird Red Winged Blackbird TBD Thomas The bird channel has been spectacular lately. We will continue to take and post pictures. Mark, Wink and Meg

Nuttin Evah Happens in NewMahket

We just got back from a vacation in April and while we were gone, Spring happened. The weather since we arrived home has been spectacular. So I thought I would share a few pics of our yard and neighborhood. Trees in Bloom Blooms Thomas This guy was sneaky and surprised this bird. We were just …